After reviewing Shopify POS, you may obtain two outcomes:

  1. The barcode is not recognized.
  2. The scanner has no response.

Barcode is not recognized

This situation involves four possible scenarios:

  1. The product with this barcode value is not in the database. 
  2. The product with this barcode value has yet to sync to the device. 
  3. You are not using the barcode data column to generate the barcode.
  4. Your product status is set to draft.

For scenario 1. and 2., you can search through the product name to see if the product already exists in the device; if not, it means the product data is not in the device. Please follow the steps below:

  • Ensure that the internet is connected.
  • Swipe the app to close it, then reopen it to force the data update.

For scenario 3, if you wish to utilize Shopify POS for scanning barcodes and obtaining accurate results, it is imperative to employ the barcode data column for barcode generation. Avoid using SKU or any other data column, such as metafields, because Shopify POS app currently only supports the barcode data column.

 Barcode data column

For scenario 4, When your product status is set to draft, the barcode you print may not be recognized by your scanner. To ensure successful scanning, please set the product status to online or POS.

The scanner has no response

If there is no response, it typically means that the barcode is not sufficiently clear. Please consult this section to resolve the problem. Please inform us if there are any additional error messages that are not covered in the article.